Convert mm/s to m/s, m/s to mm/s - Speed / Velocity Conversions
Online calculators to convert millimeters per second to meters per second (mm/s to m/s) and meters per second to millimeters per second (m/s to mm/s). Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to convert between Speed or Velocity units.
Conversion Calculators
Enter your value in one of the conversion calculators below:
Convert mm/s to m/s
Convert m/s to mm/s
* If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals".
How to convert mm/s to m/s : Use the conversion calculator titled "Convert mm/s to m/s". Enter a value in the mm/s field and click on the "Calculate m/s" button. Your answer will appear in the m/s field.
How to convert m/s to mm/s : Use the conversion calculator titled "Convert m/s to mm/s". Enter a value in the m/s field and click on the "Calculate mm/s" button. Your answer will appear in the mm/s field.
Conversion Definitions
The following is a list of definitions relating to conversions between millimeters per second and meters per second.
What are millimeters per second (mm/s)?
Millimeters per second is a unit of Speed or Velocity in the Metric System. It measures the number of millimeters traveled in a second. The symbol for millimeters per second is mm/s and the International spelling for this unit is millimetres per second. There are 1,000 mm/s in m/s.
What are meters per second (m/s)?
Meters per second is a unit of Speed or Velocity in the Metric System. It measures the number of meters traveled in a second. The symbol for meters per second is m/s and the International spelling for this unit is metres per second. There are 0.001 m/s in mm/s.
Conversion Formulas
Let's take a closer look at the conversion formulas so that you can do these conversions yourself with a calculator or with an old-fashioned pencil and paper.
The formula to convert from mm/s to m/s is:
The formula to convert from m/s to mm/s is:
Conversion Examples
Next, let's look at some examples showing the work and calculations that are involved in converting from millimeters per second to meters per second (mm/s to m/s) or converting from meters per second to millimeters per second (m/s to mm/s).
Millimeters per second to Meters per second Conversion Example
Meters per second to Millimeters per second Conversion Example
Conversion Tables
For quick reference purposes, below are conversion tables that you can use to convert from mm/s to m/s, and m/s to mm/s.
Millimeters per second to Meters per second Conversion Chart
Meters per second to Millimeters per second Conversion Chart
Understanding the Speed or Velocity Units
The following tables provide a summary of the Speed or Velocity units (Per Hour, Per Minute, Per Second and Per Millisecond) within their respective measurement systems.
Per Minute
Per Second
Per Millisecond
Note: For Speed or Velocity conversions, US Customary Units and the Imperial System are equivalent.
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